Shivang Patel

​​Criya 2023 Highlights

July 11, 2024

A Year In Review

As the year draws to a close, we at Criya want to take a moment to reflect on the journey we've shared together and celebrate our milestones.

New Features

This year was all about innovation and enhancing your experience with our platform. Here’s a quick look at some of the exciting features we introduced

Build A Comprehensive Website In 5 Minutes

Introducing Criya’s new web design enhancements: easily customize your website to reflect your brand with our latest design options. Automatically create visually stunning pages with ease. Our new feature uses AI to generate compelling website and product copy, streamlining your content creation process. Plus, benefit from individual product scheduling for better organization. Enhance your online presence with both style and efficiency.

Offer Video Courses

This year, we introduced an exciting feature for creating video courses, enabling a richer learning experience for your clients. Now, you can seamlessly offer video courses, organize them through outlines, and generate dedicated product pages for them.

Supporting Various Payment Plans

We added the option to set up recurring payments, making it easier for you to manage subscriptions and ongoing services. This feature is designed to streamline your billing process, offering flexibility and reliability both to you and your customers. Whether you're offering membership access, subscription services, or regular product deliveries, Criya has you covered.

CRM, Integrations, Analytics

Empower your business with Criya’s robust suite of tools: our CRM system simplifies contact management, enabling organization through customer segments, detailed notes, and purchase history. Seamlessly integrate with GSuite, Zoom, and Zapier to enhance workflow efficiency. Complementing these is our robust analytics feature, providing key insights into site visitors, checkout initiations, and purchase numbers, offering you a clearer understanding of your business.

Criya Con Highlights

We were thrilled to see so many of you at Criya Con, our annual conference to bring our community together.

The event was packed with panels, and our talented speakers shared insightful knowledge about topics such as product management, AI, personal brand building, consulting, and much more. Each session was a deep dive into the latest trends and best practices, offering a unique blend of theory and practical advice.

We also cherished the incredible networking opportunities, where everyone from startup founders to seasoned industry professionals engaged in meaningful conversations, sharing experiences and visions for the future. It was inspiring to see collaborations and partnerships being formed right in front of our eyes.

We hope to see you again at the next one!

What Our Users Had To Say About Us

At Criya, we deeply value our customers and their feedback. It's their insights and experiences that guide us in refining and developing the best products possible. Here's what some of our users have to say about their journey with us.

A significant part of my journey has been my collaboration with Criya. The ease of crafting offers, with an integrated CRM, helps me to efficiently connect and communicate with my community.


So grateful for you and Criya. It has helped me fulfill my mission to help others be more successful in their career.


Thank you Criya for letting me offer my expertise in a structured way! I got 239 bookings in 2 months of being on Criya!


A Special Thanks to You

Our journey wouldn't be the same without you. Your trust, feedback, and engagement have been the cornerstone of our growth and success. As we look forward to 2024, we promise to continue delivering excellence and innovation. Stay tuned for more updates and features coming your way next year! We're excited to continue this journey with you, pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Thank you for being a part of the Criya family. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Shivang Patel

Head of Memberships

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