Deb Dutta

Starter Guide: Tech Professional's Personal Brand Website

July 11, 2024

Here's a suggested structure for your one-page personal brand website:

  1. Header:
    • Section Type: Hero
    • Name and a professional photo of yourself.
  2. Introduction:
    • Section Type: Text
    • Briefly introduce yourself, highlighting your role, skills, and passion for technology.
  3. About Me:
    • Section Type: About Me
    • Provide a more detailed overview of your background, experience, and expertise.
  4. Skills:
    • Section Type: Bullet Points
    • List key technical skills and competencies you possess.
  5. Portfolio/Projects:
    • Section Type: Grid
    • Showcase your significant projects or works with brief descriptions and links.
  6. Testimonials:
    • Section Type: Professional References
    • If applicable, include testimonials or endorsements from colleagues, clients, or mentors.
  7. Resume/CV:
    • Section Type: Professional Journey
    • Embed or link to your resume or CV for a more in-depth look at your professional journey.
  8. Blog/Articles:
    • Section Type: List
    • Share any tech-related blog posts, articles, or thought leadership pieces you've written.
  9. Contact Information:
    • Section Type: Full Width Image
    • Include a contact form or provide details for reaching out to you.
  10. Social Media Links:
    • Section Type: About Me
    • Link to your professional social media profiles like LinkedIn or Twitter.
  11. Call to Action:
    • Section Type: About Me + CTA
    • Encourage visitors to connect with you, whether it's for collaboration, networking, or opportunities.

Ensure your content is concise, focused, and aligns with your personal brand. Keep the design clean and user-friendly for an optimal user experience.

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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