Deb Dutta

10 Business Ideas For Solopreneurs to Earn Income From Home

January 27, 2024

As a solopreneur, you have the opportunity to work from home and earn money in the comfort of your own space. However, this also means you are responsible for generating your own income. If you need help getting started or just want a few more ideas to consider, here are 10 business ideas for solopreneurs to earn income from home:

1. Sell your own products or services online

2. Sell your time to established companies

3. Use your skills to help others start their own businesses

4. Offer a service that connects people who want to buy and sell things

5. Offer design services such as graphic design or web design

6. Offer advice and tips on how to make money with your skills

7. Start a freelance writing business for clients who need help writing blog posts, press releases, or other content on a regular basis

8. Become an affiliate marketer for an established company whose products you believe in

9. Create video content for websites like YouTube, Vimeo (and then monetize it)

10. Get paid for taking surveys online

How does Criya help Solopreneurs turn their passion into income?

Let's say you love singing. You can create a profile on Criya and start earning right away by sharing your singing videos with others. Not only that, but you can monetize your videos so people can purchase your songs or even pay to listen live as a group chatroom. You could also make money hosting webinars and conferences, or teaching courses on topics that you are passionate about!

With 10 ideas in total, you have plenty of inspiration to start earning now with Criya! Home businesses give you more freedom and control over your schedule, but require a significant investment of time and money to get started.

With Criya, you can select a package that matches your budget and skill set. We are here to help business owners cut down on the time it takes to start and grow their online business even if they have no technical or coding skills.

Learn more about how all your business ideas can grow into an amazing revenue stream with Criya. Sign up for free at

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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