Deb Dutta

3 Ways To Make Money With Coaching Online in 2024

January 27, 2024

Coaching Online is not only a great way to earn financial freedom but also the best way to give back. This is the reason why entrepreneurs choose coaching as their main income source. A coaching program has the potential to pull in revenue for a lifetime. We're talking today about how you can make money by teaching people things they want or need to know.

Making money with coaching online is a popular topic these days. After all, we're living in an era when people are looking for ways to take control of their lives and make more money without changing careers.

Some believe that coaching online is the answer, but it's not easy to figure out how to get started or how to make a living doing it. That's why we've written this blog post: to help you understand how you can use your expertise to make money by teaching people things they want or need to know.

If you're a coach, you've probably heard that the best way to make money is to sell your services directly. But what if you want to make money from your coaching business without having to get clients one-on-one? What if you want to be able to work from home, but aren't sure how?

If this sounds like you, then keep reading! We've got three ways for you to make money with your coaching business by blogging about it.

1. Teach people things they need or want to know.

This might be something as simple as how to set up their mobile devices so they can feel more productive at work or at home. Or it might be a more complex topic like how they can improve their relationships through communication and empathy. Whatever it is, try thinking about what problems people are having in their lives and then design content that addresses those issues.

2. Create a Coaching membership site

Have you ever thought that it would be time saving to have your own membership site that would help you handle lead generation and sales? With Criya, you can easily set up your coaching business from a first level in minutes.

Create a membership site where people can sign up for ongoing access to your knowledge and expertise on a specific topic or issue that's important in their life right now (such as weight loss). You could even offer access on an ongoing basis so that members get new content each month or even week as long as they keep paying their dues!

3. Earn passive income with informational Loom Videos

If you love to create videos, then you’ll love Criya. Whether you are coaching someone or provide a service to do with business, you can make money by selling your own video training courses. With the help of Criya, you can setup up your membership website to sell the video training courses.

With Criya, you can make money by creating short tutorial-style videos for online courses and products. These videos will be posted on YouTube and other video streaming sites, where they’ll be seen by people who are looking for information on specific topics related to the course or product.

Your earnings will depend on how many views your video gets—the more views, the more money you make!

Stop trying to do it all and start outsourcing your online marketing efforts to the experts! Try Criya, the one-stop-shop for businesses seeking digital marketing success. With Criya, you can instantly capture and convert customers from multiple traffic sources including TikTok, Instagram reels, Facebook, Twitter and Email Marketing. If you're not using any of these tools in your business then you're missing out on a huge potential revenue stream.

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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