Deb Dutta

5 Side hustle stack ideas for 2024

January 27, 2024

If you're looking for ways to make money on the side, you've come to the right place. In this post, I'll show you 10 ideas for how to make extra income with different skills. The sky is the limit for your side hustle!

Getting started

When thinking about a side hustle, its important to think about making it really easy to manage the work, without much effort from you. You'll need a system - a system you will use to make your life easy. You'll need a website and a CRM. With Criya - you'l get both in one, along with all the payments and marketing covered for you. It's that easy!

If you are an expert in something, or have a hobby or passion that could be turned into a 1-1 coaching session or an ebook, course or guide you can easily monetize, then Criya is the platform for you. Its like we've combined calendlyshopify and hubspot in one!

Criya allows users to sell their own digital products as well as 1-1 coaching sessions on subjects such as coding, cooking and even yoga. You can set your own price and keep 100% of the revenue.

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Here are our top 5 side hustles that will make the most money and success in 2024:

Coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring is a great way to get paid for the expertise you have. You can choose to help people with their problems or teach them a new skill that they can then use themselves or sell to others. This is especially helpful if you have an industry-specific skill, like marketing, programming or design.

You can do this online or in person—either way is fine! You could charge per hour, per session or even per project/client depending on how much time it takes for each one.

Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you'll be doing all the administrative things that your company needs but doesn't have time to do. This includes everything from filing paperwork, managing supplies and ordering office equipment to answering emails and making phone calls on behalf of other people.

You'll need strong communication skills (especially written) and computer skills in order to become successful as a virtual assistant because most of the work will involve working remotely through email or over the phone — you won't be sitting in an office together with your clients.

And since there are no geographic limitations on where you can work as a VA (virtual assistant), this side hustle is perfect for those who want to stay home but still earn money from their skills.

Ghost Writer

Ghost writing is the process of writing an article, blog post, book, or other work that is officially credited to another person. Ghost writers are commonly employed in the fields of journalism, filmmaking, music and literature.

Ghost writers are often used by celebrities or public figures who do not have time to write books or articles themselves. Many ghostwriters are freelancers and work on a per project basis. Some ghostwriters make it part-time career while others earn their living at it.

Content Writer

Writing is a great side hustle. You can write for yourself (like a blog), or you can write for others (like an article or book). You can write about your passions and interests, or you can even try writing about something you know nothing about.

You can also choose to write for free, or get paid if you want. If you freelance, then it's up to you where and how often you work from home—maybe just on weekends? Or maybe after work every day!


Podcasts are an excellent way to expand your business, and they can be just as profitable as any other side hustle. If you're looking for a steady stream of income that comes in every month, podcasts are the way to go.

However, podcasting isn't easy money—it requires a lot of work and dedication on your part. But if you're willing to spend some time learning how to create a successful podcast, there's no doubt in my mind that it will pay off!

Here are some things you need know before diving into this kind of side hustle:

The sky is the limit.

The sky is the limit! There are so many ways to make money, and you can do whatever fits your personality and interests. The key is to be creative, find a niche that’s not being filled, and then run with it.


I hope that you will be able to use some of these ideas to start your own side hustle. It’s not easy and there are a lot of things you need to consider before diving in head first, but with enough research and planning it can be done!

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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