Deb Dutta

5 Signs It's Time to Start Your Business

January 27, 2024

We speak with entrepreneurs every day - and these are the top 5 signs they've shared about the moment they decided to start a business.

1) You're living for Fridays.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with waiting for a weekend to do what you love. But if you begin Mondays with dread, count down through the week until Friday arrives, or constantly want to call out sick to focus on your passion projects might be time to examine what it is about your current situation that makes you unhappy and if it's time to pull the trigger on elevating your passion into entrepreneurship.

Be ready - business doesn't always sleep and there may be long hours ahead. But if you're ready to build something and not just look forward to the weekends to do it, this is your sign.

2) You're not living out your priorities.

We're not talking about making sure everyone is fed or that the dishes are clean (though those are important!). Every entrepreneur holds certain values close to themselves and, by extension, to their business. Those values often become their "why" statement behind their mission--because they've been high priorities for that entrepreneur to uphold, embody, and exhibit in every facet of their lives. What are yours? Maybe you want to make life easier for someone else to succeed. Perhaps your priority is helping those in need. If your current role isn't allowing you to pursue those values and priorities...what will?

Many of the entrepreneurs we speak to have built businesses around their priorities - even our CEO began Criya because she wanted to empower creators to take their businesses to the next level.

You have them too. Are you living them?

3) You can't remember the last time you were challenged positively.

Hard work can breed discipline, passion, and most of all, curiosity. A lack of challenges in a role can breed disinterest, a loss of engagement, and boredom. That's why so many people chase passion projects! They invoke inspiration, a break in the routine, and problem-solving.

Current LinkedIn and social media trends call it "quiet quitting" - and it's not only due to wages and workloads. Successful entrepreneurs are invigorated by a challenge - and if that's a trait you have, or you haven't felt challenged in a way that lights you might be time to start by putting your ideas to paper and building that dream.

4) You haven't had time to explore what lights you up inside.

Entrepreneurship is a series of decisions, starting with knowing what you love. And you need to carve out time to make the other decisions like whether it's time to pursue it full-time, whether you've maxed out on opportunities you can chase while being part-time or working elsewhere, if you need additional help, or if you want to give it more.

Every entrepreneur has reached a breaking point where they've realized they need more time to continue exploring or need to quit so they can pull the trigger on leveling up business.

5) You fantasize about being your own boss.

This is a HUGE sign we hear time and time again from entrepreneurs who took the plunge. Somewhere along the lines of their careers, business owners realized they had the skills to lead all along - and that they'd learn what they didn't know yet.

Is your end goal to be the boss? Maybe it doesn't need to wait...if you have an idea, this could be the time to bring it to fruition, and be the CEO.

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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