Deb Dutta

Evolution of Conversational Marketing for Small to Medium Sized Businesses

January 27, 2024

The digital era has transformed how businesses interact with customers. In this ever-evolving landscape, conversational marketing has emerged as a game-changer, especially for SMBs. It’s not just a trend but a paradigm shift in how businesses engage, understand, and serve their customers. I always write essays fro the perspective of a CEO of, where we're actively building tools and chatbots in the conversational marketing space. Please know that my thoughts are my own and evolve from our extensive experience of working and service small to medium sized businesses through the power of AI.

Defining Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is the art and science of leveraging real-time conversations to build relationships with customers. It’s about engaging customers through dialogue-driven marketing strategies, primarily using chatbots and AI technologies. This approach humanizes brand interactions, fostering a personalized experience that traditional marketing channels often lack.

Before we jump in, I wanted to call out some important strategies on how we analyze the sales funnel or path to a purchase for a customer:

Awareness and Interest Stages: Capturing Customer Attention

In the initial stages of the sales funnel, awareness and interest, it's crucial for SMBs to capture the attention of potential customers. Tools like AI-driven social media analytics and targeted advertising platforms play a pivotal role here. Social media analytics tools, powered by AI, can analyze trends, track customer sentiments, and identify the content that resonates with the target audience. This insight allows businesses to tailor their messaging and content strategy effectively. Similarly, advertising platforms with AI capabilities enable SMBs to create hyper-targeted ad campaigns. These campaigns can reach potential customers based on their online behavior, preferences, and demographic information, ensuring that the first touchpoint with the brand is relevant and engaging. Integrating these tools into a conversational marketing strategy ensures that the first interaction a potential customer has with a chatbot or AI-driven interface is informed and personalized, significantly enhancing the chances of moving them further down the funnel.

Decision and Action Stages: Facilitating Customer Conversion

As potential customers progress to the decision and action stages of the sales funnel, the focus shifts to facilitating conversions. Here, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems integrated with AI-powered chatbots become invaluable. CRM systems store valuable customer data, including past interactions, preferences, and purchase history. When this data is leveraged by AI chatbots, they can provide highly personalized recommendations, answer queries with context, and nudge the customer towards a purchase decision.

Additionally, tools like automated email marketing platforms can be used in tandem with chatbots. For instance, if a customer abandons a cart, an automated email can be triggered, offering help or a discount, while the chatbot on the website can proactively engage the customer in a conversation to address any concerns or queries. These tools, when used effectively, not only streamline the customer’s journey towards making a purchase but also ensure a seamless and satisfying purchasing experience, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and customer loyalty.

At, we specialize in small to mid size businesses focused on increasing the self-service conversions for their subscriptions or memberships. We do an audit of your business and propose a simple way to introduce an effective chatbot strategy to multiple your conversions.The Evolution of Conversational Marketing

The Pre-Digital Era: Before the internet, customer conversations were limited to in-person interactions, phone calls, and mail. The personal touch was inherent, but the reach was limited.

The Rise of Digital Marketing: With the advent of the internet, email marketing, social media, and websites became dominant. While these tools expanded reach, they often led to one-sided communication.

The Era of Conversational Marketing: The breakthrough came with AI and chatbots. Businesses could now engage with customers on their terms, anytime and anywhere, through platforms they frequently use, like messaging apps and social media.

Conversational Marketing Impact on Small to Medium-Sized Businesses

Leveling the Playing Field: For SMBs, conversational marketing is a game changer. It provides them with tools to compete with larger corporations by offering personalized customer experiences at a fraction of the cost.

Building Stronger Customer Relationships: Conversational marketing allows SMBs to build deeper relationships with their customers. By engaging in two-way conversations, businesses understand customer needs better, leading to improved services and products.

Increased Conversion Rates: Interactive and personalized conversations lead to higher engagement levels, translating into increased conversion rates and sales for SMBs.

Technical Insights: The Role of AI and Chatbots

AI: The Backbone of Conversational Marketing: AI technologies, like machine learning and natural language processing, enable chatbots to understand and respond to customer queries intelligently, making interactions more human-like.

Chatbots: More Than Just a Trend: Chatbots are not a passing trend but a cornerstone of modern conversational marketing. They provide scalability, allowing businesses to handle thousands of conversations simultaneously without compromising the quality of interaction.

Future Trends and Predictions

Hyper-Personalization: The future of conversational marketing lies in hyper-personalization. AI algorithms will evolve to provide even more tailored experiences based on individual customer preferences and behavior.

Omnichannel Presence: Businesses will need to adopt an omnichannel approach, ensuring seamless customer experiences across all platforms.

Voice Technology Integration: Voice-assisted technology will become more integrated into conversational marketing, making interactions even more effortless and natural.

The Power of Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is not just a tool; it's a strategic approach that can redefine how SMBs interact with their customers. It's a blend of technology, psychology, and marketing acumen. As a technical CEO at the forefront of this revolution, I envision a world where every customer interaction is meaningful, personalized, and impactful. Conversational marketing is the key to unlocking this future, and SMBs who embrace it will be the ones leading the charge in their respective industries.

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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