Deb Dutta

How To Find Leads For your Coaching Business

January 27, 2024

How do you find leads for your coaching business? If you're like most coaches, you get your first client from a friend or family member. Now you're wondering how to find more new clients.

I've included a 4-step process I use to prospect for clients and email them with confidence - and use Criya's scripts and outreach templates to build up my warm email list seamlessly. But first let me talk about how I arrived at it. I recently went through an exercise of sorting out the different types of lead generation options that I have. When I looked at all the different ones I was doing and thought about how to allocate my time most effectively, I realized there were some that were better than others at generating leads. This led me to question which ones should I focus on so I don't waste my time?

One of the most challenging parts of business growth is engaging with customers. Not just any customer, but the customers that can actually buy from you regularly. Whether it's for your blog, info products, online or local business, this is critical. In this post I'll be sharing 3 ways you can expand your marketing strategy to generate more leads and expand your client base.

Offer something for free

Offer a free consult or introductory session as an incentive for people who sign up for your email list. This is a great way to get people engaged with your brand and introduce yourself as an expert in your field.

Social Media

Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share content that resonates with your target audience and ask them questions via social media posts or comments on their posts. You can also run contests or hold polls on social media that will help you identify potential customers' needs and interests so you can better serve them when it comes time for them to buy something from you (like coaching services).


Get referrals from current clients who love what you do! If someone loves working with you, they'll be happy to share their experience with others (especially if they know those others will benefit from what they've learned too).

Cold Outreach

If you're looking to grow your business, you may have considered doing cold outreach. Cold outreach is a great way to reach out to potential customers and partners, but it can be intimidating. Here's how to get started:

The easiest way to get started is to use Criya to start building your list of contacts, and pre-vet them by checking them out on social media and any other publicly available information. Don't risk wasting time on dead ends, and plan to write personalized outreach emails or DMs to people who are interested in what you do.

Make sure the email is personalized and relevant! If they're not interested in your product/service, they won't be interested in your pitch, but they will refrain from being rude as long as your outreach is sincere and crafted with the actual receiver in mind.

Use a call-to-action that encourages them to take action right away (e.g., "let's set up that meeting"). This will help make sure they remember the email when they get back from vacation or their inbox is overflowing again next week!

Deb Dutta

Founder & CEO, Criya

Founder & CEO Criya, Y Combinator W22, Ex-Head of Product at PayPal Ft. Forbes, New York Times, Tech Crunch, CBS, Google IO

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